searching for black magick spells

There is an uptake in interest more than ever people are searching for free black magick spells and many people are offering these services on a whim. This type of black magic is highly dangerous and uses the powers of darkness and usually has bad ju ju beneath it.

Anyone offering to perform this kind of magical work on your behalf should not be trusted. The rituals associated with this are unseal out to cause destruction. These people don’t care too much about other people, as most of there work is for personal gain. By giving these spells away for free they attract more customers into there funnel.

They often offer services like brake up rituals, revenge rites and curses. The phrase black magic is often used by users of white magic who don’t like those who use magic for bad. But just because it is called magic does not mean it has to be used for bad things it can be used for good purposes too like banishing something that is unwanted for example a disease.

It is usually the case in most Hollywood films that witchcraft and the magical arts is not represented very fairly and often made out to be linked with Satanism which is just not the case.

There is a three-fold rule of spell casting which states that what ever you do you intend as the outcome to your spell if it has malicious intend it will come back to you three fold remember this when you are next offered and free black magic spells and beware of the risk or harm to yourself and others