Orthodontist in Woodland Hills

Orthodontic transformations have the ability to change lives, enhancing aesthetics and boosting confidence. It also contributes to better oral health and helps people lead healthier lifestyles.

Misaligned teeth can trap food particles, causing cavities and gum disease. Correcting bite alignment can reduce excessive wear and tear on the teeth, as well as reducing the risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligner trays that work to straighten teeth. It is an alternative to traditional metal braces. Invisalign is discreet, easy to use and can correct a wide range of bite problems and tooth alignment issues. Invisalign is also less invasive than metal braces.

Treatment usually takes a year. You wear each set of trays every day except for when you are eating and brushing your teeth. You change to the next tray in the series every two weeks. This way, your teeth will move gradually until they straighten to their final positions.

Invisalign can treat most bite problems, including severe overbites and underbites, crooked teeth, and gaps between teeth. It can also help fix open bites, which are caused by thumb sucking, pacifier use, or tongue thrusting. It can also close crowded teeth and improve the health of your gums. Invisalign is less expensive than traditional metal braces and may be covered by dental insurance or a flexible spending account.
Clear braces

While traditional metal braces are extremely effective for straightening teeth and addressing bite issues, they can be distracting for adults who don’t want to draw attention to their mouth. Clear braces or ceramic braces offer an alternative to traditional braces that are nearly invisible. Usually made of ceramic or clear sapphire, they are colored to match the patient’s teeth and are quite durable.

They are a good choice for adult patients with mild to moderate misalignment problems. They can treat crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, gaps between teeth, and jaw misalignments. Clear braces can also be used to correct the placement of missing teeth and help with a variety of oral health issues such as gum disease and tooth decay.

When wearing clear braces, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene and follow dietary restrictions to prevent stains and damage. Patients should avoid foods that are sticky, chewy, or may stain the brackets. This will help minimize treatment time.
Braces for adults

Many adults who received braces as children or teenagers may have crooked teeth and are considering another round of orthodontic treatment. In addition to improving the appearance of a smile, braces can correct other issues that result from misaligned teeth such as gum and bone loss, irregular wear on tooth enamel and headaches or TMJ pain.

Today, there are several options for adult braces, including clear or tooth-colored brackets. These are less noticeable than traditional metal braces, and they can be a more convenient alternative to removable aligners. However, these types of treatments are not suitable for everyone. Some people may have problems wearing or removing the devices, and they must follow the instructions of the orthodontist to achieve optimal results.

Although some orthodontic treatments, like clear braces and Invisalign, can be expensive, many insurance providers cover the cost of these treatments. Many also offer payment plans and allow you to use funds from flexible spending accounts or health savings accounts to pay for the services.
Braces for children

Orthodontic braces use a series of brackets and wires to gently nudge crooked teeth into their preferred alignment. They can be used for patients of all ages, but children require a higher level of responsibility and may need more time than adults to adjust to wearing their braces.

An orthodontist can help children with a variety of issues that affect the development of their teeth and jaws, including crowded or crooked teeth, improper bite or overbite, crossbite or underbite, open bite, or thumb or finger sucking. Many of these issues can be corrected when they are younger, but some require treatment that only an orthodontist can provide.

Children are typically candidates for orthodontic treatment after their baby teeth have erupted (ages 5-9). Regular dental visits allow your child’s general or pediatric dentist to monitor their growth and development and determine when it is time for minor intervention or a full orthodontic evaluation. This can help avoid more severe problems later in life and reduce the cost of the treatment.Orthodontist in Woodland Hills