How to Choose VoiceOver Artists Services

VoiceOver artists are skilled performers that record and edit audio for a range of projects, whether that be commercial spots, radio narration, TV broadcasting, phone patches, or other online projects. While a unique and ear-catching voice is a crucial component of the job, a successful voice actor must also possess a suite of soft skills that allow them to be flexible with feedback, take risks, work outside their comfort zones, and deliver high-quality performances.

When choosing a VoiceOver artist for your project, you’ll want to select someone with a good track record and experience with your type of content. Ask about client testimonials and listen to their demo recordings. Ensure they are fluent in the language(s) you need for your video/guide/audiobook/etc, and that their style matches the tone you’re looking for – e.g. a soothing, energetic, or upbeat voice.

Ideally, your chosen VoiceOver artist will have professional recording equipment and access to a quiet, dedicated studio environment to deliver an excellent end result. If not, it’s worth asking for a sample audition recorded in these conditions to get a feel for the quality of their work.

Depending on your budget and the usage of the final content, you’ll need to consider the pricing structure of each seller. A general rule of thumb is to expect to pay around 125 – 150 words per minute. If you’re not sure how many words your project requires, a great option is to request a custom quote from each seller by clicking “Get a Quote.” This will allow you to see their prices for specific word counts, and will give you the flexibility to choose the best seller for your content.VoiceOver artists services