Hair Transplant North Cyprus

Hair transplant north cyprus
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FUE is one of the most popular methods of restoring your natural hair density. Sapphire FUE is a variation of this technique that uses sapphire tips for even more accurate punctures.

FUE is a hair transplant procedure in which individual hair follicles are harvested individually from the scalp using special micro surgical needles. This is a less invasive option than strip surgery and can be used to transplant a higher number of grafts in one session. It also does not leave the obvious linear scar that is associated with strip surgery.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which ensures that the patient remains comfortable during treatment. A small procedure may be completed in a couple of hours, while a larger one will require up to two or four sessions. The time required to recover from a hair transplant north cyprus will depend on the number of follicles harvested.

This technique is particularly useful when the patient has limited available donor hair, such as in a case of a receding hairline or a large bald patch on the crown. It can also be used to treat thinning eyebrows and restore the volume of the sideburns or temples.

Hair transplantation is a safe procedure, but there are a few risks and complications associated with it. These include the possibility of infection, bleeding, numbness, or swelling. However, these risks are minimal and rare. It is important to discuss the risks and potential side effects with your doctor before deciding on a hair restoration technique.

The novel FUE technique is a significant advancement in the field of hair restoration. It reduces the number of grafts needed for restoration, improves the transection rate, and increases the overall yield. It also allows for the harvesting of body hair for use as a donor source in patients with low scalp hair density.

In addition to being less invasive than traditional methods, this method is less expensive. The main reason for this is that it requires fewer manpower to perform, as only the doctor and an assistant are needed to operate the machine. The surgeon can also spend more time on preparing the recipient site and selecting the best grafts to transplant.

A FUE procedure is a quick and effective way to restore your natural hairline. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, this type of hair restoration offers many practical benefits. The procedure is virtually painless, and recovery is rapid. You can resume normal activities within a few days. The procedure can also be repeated for long-term results.

Another advantage of the FUE method is that it does not leave a visible linear scar in the donor area. This can be a huge benefit for people who want to wear their hair shorter than before. It is important to note, however, that a linear scar will eventually form in the area where the grafts were extracted.

A doctor who is skilled in performing a FUE hair transplant will be able to extract the required follicular units without damaging them. The doctor will insert these follicular units into the recipient area in a manner that is consistent with your natural hair pattern. He will use a wide variety of techniques to achieve this, including angulation and density.