A Kiddush Fountain Elevates Shabbat and Jewish Holidays

A kiddush fountain is an elegant solution for serving wine to your family and guests at Shabbat or Jewish holidays. It consists of a large Kiddush cup that simultaneously pours wine into 8 smaller liquor cups.

The person making Kiddush drinks a couple of sips from the wine and then passes it to everyone else at the table. This can be done by passing around the mug, or some families prefer to pour wine into small cups beforehand.
Product Description

If you’re looking for a way to elevate your Shabbat and holiday meals, look no further than this stunning silver-plated kiddush fountain. The set includes a large goblet over which the wine blessing is recited and eight smaller cups for the guests around your table.

The set’s design is centered on an elegant central stand with cunningly hidden pipes that allow for the simultaneous flow of wine into each cup. When you pour wine into the central cup, it trickles into each of the small cups, creating a beautiful display that all your guests will enjoy.

This is an especially wonderful idea for those who host many dinners during the year. When not in use, the fountain makes a great decorative item and is sure to become a conversation piece at any dinner party or social event.
Product Specifications

Before Shabbat and Jewish holidays meals begin, the head of a household pours wine into a larger cup over which the Kiddush prayer and blessing are recited. This cup is then divided among all participants of the meal in smaller cups. This traditional ritual is made even more special by a fine set of kiddush cups. Often, these cups are family heirlooms or gifts from parents and grandparents.

While it is possible to pass around one large cup and have everyone take turns drinking from it, this isn’t a very practical or hygienic solution. The wine fountain was invented to solve this problem while adding a sense of beauty and luxury to the table.

This hammered nickel kiddush fountain features a large cup over which the blessing is recited and a holder for six small cups for each guest. The wine flows from the center of the fountain evenly into the smaller cups. This elegant design is adorned with Stars of David and a floral motif.
Product Options

A wine fountain, or Kiddush cup fountain, brings a sense of majesty to your Jewish table. It simultaneously fills several cups from a single container, eliminating the need to pass around individual wine glasses or mugs during the meal. Often, Kiddush cups are family heirlooms, silver goblets passed down through generations.

After the Holocaust, there were almost no Jewish silversmiths left. Artisans like Jizchak Bier took it upon themselves to create new objects that evoke the tradition of Jewish ritual and serve as a testament to the survival of a people.

This nickel-plated Kiddush fountain from ART Judaica is a work of elegance and precision. It includes a large Kiddush cup over which the blessing is recited, and it simultaneously pours wine into eight smaller liquor cups. The expert design ensures a flawless flow from the original cup through the canals into the other cups. A stunning addition to any Jewish table, and an ideal gift for a Bar Mitzvah or wedding.
Product Reviews

A kiddush fountain takes the hassle out of the ritual of serving wine to a group of guests or family members. Instead of handing everyone around a single cup to drink, the head of the household pours the wine into a central funnel that carries it evenly into a number of smaller cups standing at attention nearby.

The fountains come in a wide range of designs, from traditional ornate items to modern and customizable pieces that will suit your unique style. Some are made from crystal, which eliminates the risk of tarnishing, and others are made of silver for elegance and durability.

One of our favorites is the hammered nickel fountain set designed by Judaica artist Yair Emanuel. It features a large Kiddush cup, which holds the wine, and eight smaller cups standing on a tray that also functions as a baseplate. When the head of the family pours the wine into the large cup, it flows into each of the smaller cups simultaneously, creating a spectacle that will entertain children and guests alike.