Dental Implant Treatment

By admin Mar 5, 2023

All On 4 Brisbane is a great option for people with missing teeth. It provides a strong and natural-looking tooth replacement.

The first step in the treatment process is an initial evaluation to determine the condition of your jawbone and the best way to replace your missing teeth. This includes X-rays and a model of your bite.

How it works

Dental implants replace missing teeth, bringing beauty back to your smile. Unlike dentures, they are more stable and don’t move around when you chew or talk.

Implants are made from titanium, which fuses with your jawbone to make them strong and permanent. They also won’t slip, fall or cause bone damage like fixed bridgework or dentures do.

When a dentist places an implant, he or she must allow enough time for your bone to heal tightly around the implant (known as osseointegration). It typically takes several months for this to happen.


Dental implant treatment involves a lot of planning. This means that you’ll have to see several professionals, including an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (who specializes in conditions of the face, jaw, and mouth), a prosthodontist (who fits and designs artificial teeth), and a periodontist (who treats structures that support teeth, such as bones and gums).

You may also need to undergo bone grafting. This process helps to restore lost jaw bone, which can be essential in cases where there’s not enough of it left for dental implants to be placed.

After the dental implant is placed, it undergoes a process called osseointegration, where natural bone grows around it to keep it in place and function as the tooth’s root. An additional metal extender, called an abutment, is typically placed at this time to connect the replacement tooth to the implant.

Implant insertion

The implant insertion process is a surgical procedure that involves placing the dental implant in the jawbone. It is a minimally invasive surgery that requires local anesthetic.

Your dentist will evaluate your teeth, gums, and jawbone to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. If your jawbone is too thin or soft, a bone graft may be needed before you can receive an implant.

After a bone graft, it takes 6 weeks to six months for the implant to fuse with the bone material (the process is called osseointegration). This allows your tooth replacement restoration to be attached.

During the implant insertion process, your surgeon will open up your gums to access the area where the tooth is missing and place the artificial tooth root into the socket. The procedure will take about an hour to complete.


Dental implants and their restorations can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and professional care in the dentist’s office. However, like natural teeth, implants and their supporting restorations need periodic maintenance to keep them in good health.

The final step of Dental Implant treatment involves placing an abutment on the implant to connect it to the replacement tooth (crown). This part of the procedure may require more minor surgery in order to open up the gums and place the abutment.

After the abutment is in place, your doctor will add a healing cap to keep your gum tissue from growing over the abutment. This is a two-stage process that typically takes three to six months.

During this time, the implant will become fully integrated with the bone. This occurs through a process called osseointegration. This is the best way to ensure that the implant is securely connected to the bone and will support the replacement tooth properly.

By admin

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