How to Get the Most Out of Your German Lessons

Learning German is an exciting challenge. It’s one of the most important languages in Europe and has a global economic juggernaut status, so it’s well worth your time!

Remembering the gender of nouns in German can be confusing. To make things easier, try to learn articles alongside nouns from the start. This will help you form patterns and remember genders much quicker.


A big challenge for new German learners is understanding and learning the language’s grammar. Often, the tangle of rules and exceptions is enough to discourage students, but getting a grip on the basics can make it easier to learn more complicated concepts.

Learning grammar can also help German learners decipher spoken language and understand written texts. Having a good grasp of grammar can help students organize their thoughts and communicate their ideas clearly. Knowing what words go where in a sentence can be particularly useful. For example, knowing that a noun’s gender can determine the definite article or that locational prepositions take the accusative or dative case can make it easier to understand German sentences.

German grammar is especially strict when it comes to word order. This makes it important for German students to know where modal verbs like konnen (can), mussen (must), durfen (may), and sollen (should) go in a sentence. This is why German teachers came up with the tekamolo system, which acts as a kind of formula to help students remember how to place modal verbs in a sentence.

As a new German learner, it’s important to find out which rules are most relevant to your needs and level of proficiency. Some students will be able to get by with just vocabulary and some basic grammar, while others may need more extensive knowledge of the language’s cases, conjugations, and word orders.


While a strong grasp of grammar is essential to speaking German, it’s also important to have a wide vocabulary. This means learning German words that are relevant to your career, hobbies or passions. You can even create specialized vocabulary lists to help you learn the most useful German words for your specific interests.

Another great way to build your German vocabulary is by keeping a journal or diary in German. This will not only allow you to practice your writing skills but will also help you learn new words through repetition. The best part is that you can do this in any notebook or journal – it doesn’t have to be fancy!

You will want to start with common German words that you are likely to hear often. These include nouns, adjectives and verbs that are in the present, past or future tense. Then, you can move on to more advanced German words.

Remember, it is better to learn a few words at a time rather than trying to memorize an entire German word list at once. This method will save you time and frustration in the long run. You can also use a website such as FluentU to help you learn the most useful German vocabulary in a fun and interactive way. Adaptive, interactive quizzes make this website an excellent tool for any German learner.


In most German classes, students practice their listening skills through audio exercises. The exercises usually consist of conversations between two people and gradually get more difficult as you move up in levels. In addition to doing German listening exercises, you can also practice by listening to native speakers online. There are many websites that provide free podcasts, TED Talks, and news broadcasts in German. These can all be useful in helping you improve your comprehension and pronunciation.

Listening to native speakers is one of the best ways to get familiar with German accents and slang. Many German learning courses, such as Pimsleur, incorporate audio components into their curriculum. They are a great way to hear authentic German, while still having control over the speed and content.

You can also listen to podcasts on a variety of topics in German, such as Deutsche Welle or Language Addicts. These podcasts are designed for different skill levels, and they have transcripts and English explanations available to help you understand the German language. Listening to podcasts in German can be a fun and entertaining way to expand your vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

Remember to pause the podcasts regularly and try to imitate the speaker’s pronunciation, accent, and intonation. This will give you an opportunity to practice your public speaking skills, as well as learn new German words and phrases. You can also use an app such as Lingopie or FluentU to watch German videos and save your new vocab to flashcards.


German is one of the most complex languages in the world and has a long history of literary works and cultural impact. However, it can be learned relatively easily. For beginners, the most difficult parts of learning German are grammar and pronunciation. The grammar can seem tricky, because German uses umlauts (those funny little dots above letters like a, o and u) to make special vowel sounds that don’t exist in English. Pronunciation is also challenging because German words can contain very long and complicated sounds.

To help with pronunciation, it’s important to focus on vocabulary that’s relevant to your interests. Try to use vocabulary words that are related to the careers you want to pursue, hobbies and passions, and everyday experiences. This will make it more likely that you’ll actually remember the words. To practice your German pronunciation, you can use a variety of resources. Try watching films or TV shows with German subtitles, download German songs, and use language apps that allow you to practice speaking.

Another great resource is to join an online community of German learners. Sites such as Tandem and Meetup connect you with local and remote German speakers who are eager to learn the language as well. This can be a great way to not only practice your German but to meet people who share your interest in the language and culture of Germany!German lessons