Employment Law Free Advice

By admin Dec 2, 2023

Employment law concerns the rights of employees in the workplace. This includes their right to fair pay, family and medical leave, privacy in the office and safety on the job.

When problems arise, it’s important for employees to have access to an employment attorney. An experienced attorney can help protect workers’ legal rights and get them the compensation they deserve.

Harassment in the workplace is a serious matter. Many workers rely on their jobs to provide the income they need to survive, and they deserve to work in an environment that is free from harassment and other inappropriate behavior.

Harassments include verbal abuse, sexual advances, and threats of physical harm. They also include discrimination based on a person’s race, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, political beliefs, or disability.

A person can file a lawsuit to stop the harassing behaviors and recover compensation for any losses. However, many employment law cases are complex and require the assistance of an experienced attorney.

Whether or not it is overt, employment discrimination can be extremely damaging. People rely on their jobs for income and basic life necessities. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Discrimination based on one’s race, religion, or sex is illegal, and it can take many forms. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, unequal pay for male and female workers, and pregnancy discrimination. In addition, the Supreme Court has made clear that the Civil Rights Act protects LGBTQ+ employees.

If you experience discrimination, keep records of what happened and who was involved. Even if you don’t have a strong legal claim, it can help prove that your employer violated the law. In addition, make sure to speak to an experienced attorney about your situation. An attorney can help you understand your options for legal action and decide if it is worth going forward.
Wrongful Termination

While most states are “at will” employment areas, which allow employers to terminate employees without specific reasons, there are limitations. Wrongful termination is any firing that breaks state or federal laws, including illegal discrimination and retaliation against whistleblowers.

Discrimination is when the firing violates the employee’s protected classes, which include race, gender, age and religion, among others. Retaliation violates laws against harassment and discrimination and is often seen in conjunction with those violations. A breach of contract is another reason for wrongful termination and can be caused by failure to adhere to an employment agreement or other legal mandates.

In addition, wrongful termination cases can also be filed for firings that violate public policy or laws that protect employee rights. For these types of cases, settlements may be more beneficial to both sides than going to trial. Contact an experienced attorney for more information on filing a wrongful termination lawsuit. They can review your case for free during a consultation.
Minimum Wage

While minimum wage laws are intended to raise workers’ wages, they can also have negative effects. Some employers may not be willing to pay the higher wage and will instead cut hours or lay off workers. This is especially true in competitive markets, where a company may lose its market share to competitors that can afford the higher wage. In addition, employers who violate the minimum wage may face significant civil penalties, including liquidated damages and interest.

Federal and state labor laws also mandate that employees receive overtime wages for work over 40 hours in a week. These are paid at one and a half times the worker’s regular pay rate. A Manhattan employment lawyer can help you determine whether your employer is following proper overtime and minimum wage standards. Our firm can also counsel you on compensation structures and exempt/nonexempt classifications to ensure your company is complying with the law. Call us today to schedule a consultation.employment law free advice

By admin

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